1st Canadian Championship
Hamilton, September 1872

A tournament with sixteen players was begun but not completed

Source: Canadian Illustrated News

2nd Canadian Championship
Toronto, May 1873

Round 1
Young, John (Toronto)10Gordon, John H. (Toronto)
Northcote, Henry (Toronto)10Vercoe, Dr. Henry L. (Seaforth)
Smith, Dr. William R. (Seaforth)10Wallace, David J. (Belleville)
Ensor, Albert W. (Montreal)10Salter (Canton)
Ryall, Dr. Isaac (Hamilton)10Russell, R.A. (Toronto)
Coleman, Dr. Timothy T. (Seaforth)10Hirschberg, Martin H. (Toronto)
Jackson, George E. (Seaforth)10Ramsey, R.H. (Cobourg)
Henderson, John (St. Liboire)10Furby, George M. (Port Hope)
White, John (Montreal)10Jones, Federick T. (Toronto)
Mackay, William T. (Hamilton)10Hurlburt, Jesse Beaufort (Ottawa)
Round 2
Ensor (1.0)10Northcote (1.0)
Ryall (1.0)10Young (1.0)
White (1.0)10Henderson (1.0)
Mackay (1.0)10Coleman (1.0)
Smith (1.0)10Jackson (1.0)
Salter (0.0)10Russell (0.0)
Vercoe (0.0)10Wallace (0.0)
Furby (0.0)10Hirschberg (0.0)
Jones (0.0)+-Ramsey (0.0)
Gordon (0.0)10Hurlburt (0.0)
Round 3
Ensor (2.0)10Smith (2.0)
White (2.0)10Mackay (2.0)
Jackson (1.0)10Ryall (2.0)
Northcote (1.0)10Henderson (1.0)
Coleman (1.0)½½Young (1.0)
Gordon (1.0)+-Salter (1.0)
Vercoe (1.0)10Furby (1.0)
Championship Final
Ensor (3.0)10White (3.0)

Consolation playoffs
Mackay (2.0)MackayJonesJackson
Ryall (2.0)
Jones (2.0?)Jones
Smith (2.0)
Jackson (2.0) +JacksonJackson
Northcote (2.0) -
Gordon (2.0) +Gordon
Vercoe (2.0) -
Consolation Final

Source: [Toronto] Daily Globe, 23 May 1873; Canadian Illustrated News, 31 May 1873
Hurlburt played under the pseudonym 'Alter,' more famously used by the Rev. John Owen
+ - indicates a forfeit

3rd Canadian Championship

Montreal, 18741234567890
1Hicks, William Henry*0½½1111117.0
2Hurlburt, Jesse Beaufort1*01011½116.5
3Von Bokum, Hermann½1*½0½½11+6.0
4Howe, Henry Aspinwall½0½*½10+1+5.5
5Jackson, George E.011½*-1+-+5.5
6White, John00½0+*1½1+5.0
7Phillipps, Thomas Dowell00½100*1103.5
8Coleman, Dr. Timothy T.0½0--½0*113.0
9Henderson, John0000+000*+2.0
10De Boucherville00----10-*1.0
Source: [Toronto] Daily Globe, 9 September 1874

4th Canadian Championship

Ottawa, 17-21 August 18751234567890
1Jackson, George E.*½½111111+8.0
2White, John½*011+11++7.5
3Howe, Henry Aspinwall½1*1011½1+7.0
4Andrews, F.H.000*11111*+6.0
5Lambert, Francois-Xavier0010*0½1+14.5
6Hurlburt, Jesse Beaufort0-001*11104.0
7Baker, Godfrey Phipps0000½0*1++3.5
8Henderson, John00½0000*++2.5
9De Boucherville, J.N.0-0½*-0--*+1.5
10Phillipps, Thomas Dowell----01---*1.0
* given as 1 for Andrews and (½) (i.e., default draw) for De Boucherville in the original, no point totals.
Source: Canadian Illustrated News, 11 September 1875, 171 (Gaige)

5th Canadian Championship

Hamilton, October 1876
1Sanderson (Quebec)
2Judd (Hamilton)
3Henderson (Montreal)
4Taylor (Hamilton)
5Ryall (Hamilton)
Source: [Toronto] Daily Globe 7 October 1876

6th Canadian Championship

Quebec, 28 August - September 187712345678901
1Howe, Henry Aspinwall*1½½1½1+1118.5
2Sanderson, E.0*1½½11+1118.0
3Holt, Edmund Burnham½0*111½+1½17.5
4White, John½½0*111½1016.5
5Henderson, John0½00*11+0115.5
6Shaw, Joseph William½0000*0+1114.5
7Fletcher, E.T.00½001*+½014.0
8Hicks, William Henry---½---*1113.5
9Pope, Edwin000010½0*113.5
10MacLeod, Donald Ross00½100100*½3.0
11Bradley, Dr. C.D.000000000½*0.5
Source: New Dominion Monthly, November 1877

7th Canadian Championship

Montreal, 20 August 18781234567890123
1Ascher, Jacob Gottschalk*½½111011111110.5
2Howe, Henry Aspinwall½*0½1111½11119.5
3Holt, Edmund Burnham½1*1001½1½1118.5
4Hicks, William Henry0½0*½111½11118.5
5Shaw, Joseph William001½*100111117.5
6Von Bokum, Hermann00100*01111117.0
7Atkinson, William100011*0½1½117.0
8White, John00½0101*½½1116.5
9Henderson, John0½0½00½½*11116.0
10Saunders, Alexander00½0000½0*1114.0
11Bond, W.000000½000*112.5
12Isett, T.M.00000000000*11.0
13Loverin, Dr. Nelson000000000000*0.0
Source: L'Opinion Publique, 19 June 1879

8th Canadian Championship

Ottawa, 23 - 30 September 18791234567
1Pope, Edwin*1½11014.5
2Hurlburt, Jesse Beaufort0*1½0113.5
3White, John½0*01113.5
4Holt, Edmund Burnham0½1*10½3.0
5Phillipps, Thomas Dowell0100*113.0
6Henderson, John10010*02.0
7Lambert, Francois-Xavier000½01*1.5
Source: Globe 4 October 1879, 7; Chess Monthly, 1879-80, 68 (Gaige)

9th Canadian Championship

Ottawa, 22 - 26 February 18811234567890
1Shaw, Joseph William*0111+11118.0
2Schull, Ludolph1*110111017.0
3Barry, John00*1111½116.5
4Phillipps, Thomas Dowell000*1111116.0
5Henderson, John0100*+½1115.5
6MacLeod, Donald Ross-000-*11114.0
7Lambert, Francois-Xavier0000½0*1113.5
8Jarvis, Samuel00½0000*112.5
9Casey, George Elliott01000000*01.0
10Taylor, G.H.000000001*1.0
Source: [Toronto] Daily Globe, 5 March 1881

10th Canadian Championship

Quebec, 27 December 1881 - 1882123456789012345
1Sanderson, E.*11½101101111++11.5
2Henderson, John0*½½½0½1½1111++9.5
3Champion, Charles P.0½*111½½01001++8.5
4Barry, John½½0*½100101111+8.5
5Shaw, Joseph William0½0½*11½011011+8.5
6Hicks, William Henry11000*0½101111+8.5
7Andrews, F.H.0½½101*0101½1++8.5
8Pope, Edwin00½1½½1*01011++8.5
9MacLeod, Donald Ross1½101001*1001++8.5
10Blakiston, Raymond000101100*111++8.0
11Bradley, Dr.0010000110*11++7.0
12Burke, E.C.001010½0100*1++6.5
13O'Farrell, J.000000000000*++2.0
14Duval, E.H.---000-------*+1.0
15LeDroit, T.--------------*0.0
Source: [Toronto] Globe, 14 January 1882

11th Canadian Championship

28 December 1882 - 6 January 1883123456
1Howe, Henry Aspinwall*011114.0
2Ascher, Jacob Gottschalk1*10114.0
3Shaw, Joseph William00*1113.0
4Hicks, William Henry010*012.0
5Short, Robert0001*12.0
6Bemrose, Joseph00000*0.0
Source: Canadian Illustrated News, 13 January 1883; [Toronto] Globe, 13 January 1883

12th Canadian Championship

Ottawa, 31 January - 6 February 1884123456
1Lambert, Francois-Xavier*11½114.5
2Henderson, John0*01113.0
4Casey, George Elliott½00*112.5
5Taylor, G.H.0010*12.0
Source: Chess Monthly, 1883-84, 197 (Gaige); Ottawa Daily Citizen, 31 January, 1 February, 7 February

13th Canadian Championship

Quebec, 22 February - March 18861234567890
1MacLeod, Nicholas Menelaus*½½111011+7.0
2Sanderson, E.½*11100+1+6.5
3MacLeod, Donald Ross½0*½11011+6.0
4Ievers, H.00½*01111+5.5
6Champion, Charles P.01001*½01+4.5
7Whitehead, B.11100½*0104.5
8Sanderson, E.C.0-00011*114.0
9Walsh, J.E.00000000*+1.0
10Blakiston, Raymond----0-10-*1.0
Source: [Montreal] Gazette 17 March 1886

14th Canadian Championship

Montreal, 1887123456789
1Barry, George*101110015.0
2MacLeod, Nicholas Menelaus0*10110115.0
3Cooke, Joseph Peter10*11010½4.5
4Champion, Charles P.010*001114.0
5Hicks, William Henry0001*10114.0
6Hurlburt, Jesse Beaufort00110*1014.0
7Short, Robert110010*104.0
8Wright, James1010010*03.0
9Robertson, John A.00½00011*2.5
Barry beat MacLeod 1.0-0.0 in the playoff
Source: Gino di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900

15th Canadian Championship

Quebec, 16 January - 1888123456
1MacLeod, Nicholas Menelaus*101114.0
2Narraway, James Ephraim0*11114.0
3Pope, Edwin10*1114.0
4Barry, George000*112.0
5Champion, Charles P.0000*½0.5
6Sanderson, E.0000½*0.5
Prizewinners: 1. MacLeod 2. Pope 3. Narraway
Source: Gino di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900

16th Canadian Championship

Montreal, 16 - 25 January 1889123456789
1Narraway, James Ephraim (Ottawa)*100111116.0
2Fleming, R.P. (Montreal)0*11011116.0
3Cooke, Joseph Peter (Montreal)10*0½11115.5
4Davison, A.T. (Toronto)101*01½1½5.0
5Barry, George (Montreal)01½1*00114.5
6Taylor, Thomas (Ottawa)00001*1013.0
7Pope, Edwin (Quebec)000½10*½½2.5
8Short, Robert (Montreal)000001½*12.5
9Hicks, William Henry (Montreal)000½00½0*1.0
Fleming beat Narraway in the playoff game
Source: [Montreal] Gazette, January-February 1889

17th Canadian Championship

Quebec, January 18901234567
1Short, Robert* *1 01 01 11 11 11 110.0
2MacLeod, William D.R.0 1* *1 ½1 01 11 11 19.5
3Taylor, G.H.0 10 ½* *0 11 11 11 18.5
4Champion, Charles P.0 00 11 0* *1 11 11 ½7.5
5Walsh, J.0 00 00 00 0* *1 10 13.0
6Amyot0 00 00 00 00 0* *1 12.0
7O'Farrell, Patrick0 00 00 00 ½1 00 0* * 1.5
Source: Gino di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900; Jeremy Gaige

18th Canadian Championship

Montreal, 6 - 16 January 189112345678
1Davison, A.T. (Toronto)* *1 11 11 01 11 11 11 113.0
2Cooke, Joseph Peter (Montreal)0 0* *1 11 11 01 11 11 111.0
3Narraway, James Ephraim (Ottawa)0 00 0* *½ 1½ 11 11 ½1 18.5
4Taylor, Thomas (Ottawa)0 10 0½ 0* *1 10 11 01 06.5
5Short, Robert (Montreal)0 00 1½ 00 0* *1 00 11 15.5
6Boultbee, William (Toronto)0 00 00 01 00 1* *0 10 14.0
7Barry, George 0 00 00 ½0 11 01 0* *. .3.5
8Hicks, William Henry0 00 00 00 10 01 0. .* *2.0
Source: [Montreal] Gazette, January 1891

19th Canadian Championship

Toronto, January - 3 February 189212345678
1Boultbee, William H.* *0 11 .1 11 01 11 11 111.0
2Narraway, James Ephraim1 0* *½ 11 .1 10 11 11 110.5
3Davison, A.T.0 .½ 0* *1 11 01 11 1. .7.5
4Hood, Alfred0 00 .0 0* *0 11 .1 11 .5.0
5Punchard, J.0 10 00 11 0* *0 00 .. .3.0
6Hill, H.J.0 01 00 00 .1 1* *0 .. .3.0
7Muntz, H.G.0 00 00 00 01 .1 .* *1 .3.0
8Ritchie, James0 00 0. .0 .. .. .0 .* *0.0
Source: [Montreal] Gazette, 6 February 1892

20th Canadian Championship

Quebec, April 1893
1Narraway, James E.10.0-2.0
3Davison, A.T.7.0-5.0
4Thompson, H.S.5.0-7.0

21st Canadian Championship

Montreal, 189412345678
1Davison, A.T.* *0 ½1 11 10 01 ½1 11 ½9.5
2Narraway, James E.1 ½* *0 ½1 11 01 ½0 11 08.5
3Robertson, D.C.0 01 ½* *0 ½1 11 01 01 ½7.5
4Short, Robert0 00 01 ½* *1 11 01 11 07.5
5Marshall, Frank James1 10 10 00 0* *0 11 01 17.0
6Cooke, Joseph Peter0 ½0 ½0 10 11 0* *. .. .4.0
7Babson, Joseph Ney0 01 00 10 00 1. .* *. .3.0
8Hicks, William Henry0 ½0 10 ½0 10 0. .. .* *3.0
Source: [Montreal] Gazette, 3 February 1894, reproduced in Young Marshall by John S. Hilbert

22nd Canadian Championship

Orillia, 28 June - 5 July 189712345678
1Narraway, James E. (Ottawa)W10W16W 2W12W19W116.0L 3W 67.0
2Saunders, Ernest (Toronto)D16W14L 1W22W 5W 34.5W10W 96.5
3Jackson, C.O. (Orillia)L 6W23W 5W21W13L 24.0W 1D 45.5
4McGee, Cyril Haughton (Brockville)D17W15L21W24W23L223.5W 9D 35.0
5Mavor, James (Toronto)W12D 9L 3W17L 2W193.5L 6W104.5
6Boultbee, William H. (Toronto)W 3L17W22L 7W 8D103.5W 5L 14.5
7Judd, William Henry (Hamilton)W24L10W23W 6W16L124.0Unable to play
the finals
8Dafoe, William (Belleville)W11W12D13D10L 6W214.0
9Punchard, Charles (Toronto)W20D 5L10L23W21W243.5L 4L 23.5
10Corbould, Charles D. (Orillia)L 1W 7W 9D 8D14D 63.5L 2L 53.5
11McKinnon (Hamilton)L 8W22W17D14D15L 13.0
12Goldstein, D. (Toronto)L 5L 8W15L 1W17W 73.0
13Eddis, Wilton Clement (Toronto)W22D19D 8W18L 3L163.0
14Beynon, J.W. (Brampton)W23L 2W24D11D10L183.0
15Stephenson, Albert T. (Orillia)W18L 4L12D19D11D202.5
16Snellgrove, A.M. (Orillia)D 2L 1L18W20L 7W132.5
17Grant, Rev. George (Orillia)D 4W 6L11L 5L12W232.5
18Hay, A. (Barrie)L15L21W16L13D24W142.5
19Davies, Thomas Ridler (Montreal)W21D13D20D15L 1L 52.5
20Flint Jones, William (Belleville)L 9W24D19L16L22D152.0
21Jemmett, Francis S.B. (Prescott)L19W18W 4L 3L 9L 82.0
22Grant, Charles E. (Orillia)L13L11L 6L 2W20W 42.0
23McCarthy, William P. (Prescott)L14L 3L 7W 9L 4L171.0
24Christie, Harry MacLaren (Orillia)L 7L20L14L 4D18L 90.5

Consolation final

Orillia, 4-5 July 1897123
1Goldstein, D. (Toronto)W 3W 5D 22.5
2Davies, Thomas Ridler (Montreal)W 4W 6D 12.5
3Grant, Charles E. (Orillia)L 1W 4W 52.0
4McKinnon (Hamilton)L 2L 3W 61.0
5Eddis, Wilton Clement (Toronto)D 6L 1L 30.5
6Snellgrove, A.M. (Orillia)D 5L 2L 40.5
Goldstein beat Davies in the playoff 1.0-0.0
Source: [Toronto] Globe, 6 July 1897

23rd Canadian Championship

First class

Toronto, April 18981234567890
1Narraway, J.E. (Ottawa) W 5D19W 6D 9W17W18W 3W 27.0D 3D 58.0
2Goldstein, G. (Montreal) L 4W 8W20W14W15W13W 7L 16.0W 4L 37.0
3Saunders, E. (Toronto) W 8W20W14W15W13D 7L 1L105.5D 1W 27.0
4Jones, W.F. (Belleville) W 2W16W11D 5W19L 6L 9W175.5L 2W 66.5
5Germain, C. (Montreal) L 1D10W12D 4D 8W20W14W155.5D 6D 16.5
6Fish, J. (Toronto) D13W 7L 1W10W12W 4L 8W205.5D 5L 46.0
7Davison, A.T. (Toronto) W19L 6D 9W17W18D 3L 2W165.0
8Corbould, C. (Orillia) L 3L 2W16D11D 5W19W 6W 95.0
9Taylor, Thomas (Toronto) W15L17D 7D 1D10W12W 4L 84.5
10McGee, C.H. (Brockville) L11D 5W19L 6D 9W17D18W 34.5
11Davies, Thomas Ridler (Montreal) W10D12L 4D 8W20W14D15L134.5
12Mavor, Prof. (Toronto) D16D11L 5W19L 6L 9W17W184.0
13Boultbee, William (Toronto) D 6L15L17W18L 3L 2W16W113.5
14Jemmett, F. (Prescott) W17W18L 3L 2D16L11L 5D193.0
15Champion, C.P. (Quebec) L 9W13W18L 3L 2D16D11L 53.0
16McKinnon, D.J. (Grimsby) D12L 4L 8W20D14D15L13L 72.5
17Hay, A. (Barrie) L14W 9W13L 7L 1L10L12L 42.0
18Dafoe, J.W. (Belleville) W20L14L15L13L 7L 1D10L121.5
19Wilson, L.C. (Ottawa) L 7D 1L10L12L 4L 8L20D141.0
20Bolster, Thomas (Lancaster) L18L 3L 2L16L11L 5W19L 61.0
Source: [Toronto] Globe, April 1898

24th Canadian Championship

Championship division

Montreal, 31 March - 7 April 1899123456789012
1Smith, Magnus (Winnipeg) W18W16W14W11D10D125.0W12W11W 8D 6L 2W 59.5
2Goldstein, S. (Montreal) L 5W13W 7W15W 3W 95.0W11L 8W 6L 7W 1W129.0
3Flack, U.J. (Kingston) W16W10W11W12L 2L 44.0W 7W 5W12W11D 8L 68.5
4Davies, Thomas Ridler (Westmount) D 8D 7W 5W13W15W 35.0L 5W12D11D 8D 6W 78.5
5Saunders, F. (Toronto) W 2W17L 4W18W14W165.0W 4 L3W 9W10L 7L 18.0
6Snellgrove, A.M. (Orillia) L17D14W18W16W11L103.5W 9D10L 2D 1D 4W 37.0
7Short, Robert (Montreal) W12D 4L 2W17W18D144.0L 3L 9W10W 2W 5L 47.0
8Stewart, W. (Lancaster) D 4W18W17L14D16L113.0L10W 2L 1D 4D 3D 95.5
9Kent, E. (Montreal) W14W11D16W10L12L 23.5L 6W 7L 5D12L11D 85.5
10Munn, S.M. (Montreal) D13L 3W15L 9D 1W 63.0W 8D 6L 7L 5D12L115.0
11Fish, J. (Toronto) W15L 9L 3L 1L 6W 82.0L 2L 1D 4L 3W 9W104.5
12Barry, George (Montreal) L 7W15W13L 3W 9D 13.5L 1L 4L 3D 9D10L 24.5
13McGee, C.H. (Brockville) D10L 2L12L 4W17W182.5Consolation prize:

Bolster 2.0-1.0 Corbould

14Corbould, Charles D. (Orillia) L 9D 6L 1W 8L 5D 72.0
15Wilson, L.C. (Ottawa) L11L12L10L 2L 4 + 1.0
16Punchard, C. (Toronto) L 3L 1D 9L 6D 8L 51.0
17Falconer, George (Montreal) W 6L 5L 8L 7L13 - 1.0
18Bolster, Thomas (Lancaster) L 1L 8L 6L 5L 7L130.0
Source: [Montreal] Gazette, April 1899

25th Canadian Championship

Winnipeg, 25 July - 1 August 1904123456789012
1Smith, Magnus M. (Winnipeg)*½1111½1111110.0
2Spencer, R.J. (Winnipeg)½*001½11111+8.0
3Bruce, A.W. (Winnipeg)01*10½10½½116.5
4Kurrle, W. (Montreal)010*11½010116.5
5Blake, Charles (Winnipeg)0010*½½½½1116.0
6Stephenson, A.T. (Red Deer)0½½0½*0111½16.0
7Anstey, C.T. (Montreal)½00½½1*01-115.5
8Saunders, Ernest (Toronto)0011½01*01015.5
9Burrell, Herbert H. (Winnipeg)00½0½001*1115.0
10Cross, Rev. J. (Winnipeg)00½100+00*114.5
11Smith, M.O. (Winnipeg)00000½0100*01.5
12Davies, T.R. (Montreal)0-000000001*1.0
Source: Manitoba Free Press, 3 August 1904

26th Canadian Championship

Montreal, 15-20 January 19061234
1Smith, Magnus (Winnipeg)*  *  *  *½  1  0  1½  ½  1  11  1  1  19.5
2Sawyer, Joseph (Montreal)½  0  1  0*  *  *  *1  1  1  11  ½  1  08.0
3Kurrle, W. (Montreal)½  ½  0  00  0  0  0*  *  *  *1  1  ½  14.5
4Short, Robert (Montreal)0  0  0  00  ½  0  10  0  ½  0*  *  *  *2.0
Source: [Montreal] Gazette, January 1906

27th Canadian Championship

Toronto, 26 December 1908 - 2 January 19091234567890123
1Sawyer, Joseph (Montreal)*11½½1110.0-2.0
2Blake, Charles (Winnipeg)*011111119.0-3.0
3Cross, Prof. J.F. (Winnipeg)1*11000118.0-4.0
4Saunders, Ernest (Toronto)00*111111½8.0-4.0
5Freeland, E.B. (Toronto)000*½10117.0-5.0
6McArthur, Dr. A.W. (Westmount)01½*00½0116.5-5.5
7Hunter, R.G. (Toronto)½01001*116.0-6.0
8Morrison, John S. (Toronto)½01011*105.5-6.5
9Davison, Robert E. (Winnipeg)000½*011½
10Harrington, S.0001*01
11Farmer, E.J. (Toronto)0000101*10
12Beynon, J.W.00000000*
13Jones, W. Flint (Toronto)0½001½1*
Source: Toronto Daily Star, 4 January 1909

28th Canadian Championship

Montreal, 26-31 December 19101234567890
1Morrison, John S. (Toronto)*1101½½1117.0
2Anstey, C.T. (Montreal)0*11½101116.5
3Short, Robert (Montreal)00*01111116.0
4Blake, Charles (Winnipeg)101*1½00115.5
5McArthur, A.W. (Montreal)0½00*½11115.0
6Sawyer, Joseph (Montreal)½00½½*111½5.0
7Freeland, E.B. (Toronto)½10100*½0½3.5
8Eddis, W.C. (Toronto)000100½*012.5
9Downs, M.D. (Montreal)00000011*02.0
10Cartier, A. (Montreal)00000½½01*2.0
Source: [Montreal] Gazette, December 1910 - January 1911

29th Canadian Championship

Winnipeg, 8-15 July 191312345678
1Morrison, John S. (Toronto)*½111½116.0
2Blake, Charles (Brandon)½*½111116.0
3Askwith, E.A. (Forrest)0½*011114.5
4Spencer, R.J. (Winnipeg)001*½1½14.0
5Gale, Sydney E. (Toronto)000½*1113.5
6Scott, R.A. (Red Deer)½0000*½12.0
7Worsley, R.W. (Yorkton)000½0½*12.0
8Barrett, A.A. (Fort William)0000000*0.0
Morrison won the playoff against Blake 3.0-1.0
Source: Winnipeg Tribune July 1913

30th Canadian Championship

Toronto, 2-10 February 19201234567890123
1Gale, Sydney E. (Toronto)*10111½11++++6.5 10.5
2Harvey, John B.0*½111111+1++6.5 10.5
3Robson, W.W.1½*1011½1+1++6.0 10.0
4Rombach, Harry (Montreal)000*11½11+0++4.5 7.5
5Price, Joseph (Clarkson)0010*101+1+3.0 7.0
6Sim, Malcolm (Toronto)0000*11++++3.0 7.0
7Lane, H.J. (Toronto)½00½*011+1+3.0 7.0
8Jones, T. Harry (Brantford)00½0001*1++++2.5 6.5
9Griffin, G.F. (Winnipeg)00001000*1+1+1.0 5.0
10Cushing, W.W.----0-0-0*+1
11Kittson, H.N.-001-----*0+
12Hume, W.B. (Toronto)----0-0-0-1*+
13Rosen, J. (Toronto)---------0--*
Gale won the playoff against Harvey 2.0-0.0
Malcolm Sim withdrew during the event when his mother died
Source: British Chess Magazine April 1920; [Toronto] Globe 11 February 1920
"Compiled from contemporary Toronto newspaper accounts" - Gaige

31st Canadian Championship

Montreal, 20-25 March 192212345678901
1Morrison, John S.*½1½1111½118.5
2Gale, Sydney E.½*½½0111+1+7.5
3Spencer, R.J.0½*½½1111½17.0
4McArthur, A.W.½½½*½½10½1½5.5
5Sim, Malcolm01½½*½010115.5
6Rombach jr., Harry000½½*011115.0
7Winfrey, William C.000011*½10+4.5
8Sharp, C.000100½*1½+4.0
9Griffin, G.F.½-0½1000*1.3.0
10Wilson, Stanley B.00½0001½0*13.0
11Short, Robert0-0½00--.0*0.5
Source: Gino di Felice, Chess Results, 1921-1930

32nd Canadian Championship

Hamilton, 18-25 August 19241234567890123456
1Morrison, John S. (Toronto)*111111½½111111114.0
2Fox, Maurice (Peterborough)0*1011111111111113.0
3Gale, Sydney E. (Toronto)00*101111111111112.0
4Rombach, Harry (Montreal)010*½½1011½111109.5
5Eastman, George (Toronto)001½*1½½01½11½119.5
6Ritchie (Hamilton)000½0*011½1111119.0
7Narraway, James E. (Ottawa)0000½1*011½111119.0
8Ewing, John M. (Vancouver)½001½01*00½½11118.0
9Whitfield, Kenneth Hesketh (Galt)½0001001*110½11½7.5
10Le Dain, Dudley M. (Montreal)00000½010*½111117.0
11Howard (Winnipeg)000½½0½½0½*110116.5
12Moncur (Hamilton)0000000½100*01013.5
13Kittson (Hamilton)00000000½001*0113.5
14Wilson, Stanley B. (Montreal)0000½00000101*013.5
15Butler (Halifax)00000000000101*13.0
16Carver, Ernest Alfred (Wiarton)00010000½000000*1.5
Source: [Toronto] Evening Telegram, 30 August 1924

33rd Canadian Championship

Montreal, 21-29 August 19261234567890123
1Morrison, John S. (Toronto)*0½111111111110.5
2Fox, Maurice (Montreal)1*½0½1111111110.0
3Eastman, George (Toronto)½½*011½1111119.5
4Gale, Sydney E. (Toronto)011*0111101119.0
5Harvey, J.B. (Montreal)0½01*½10½11117.5
6Blake, Charles W. (Toronto)0000½*1½111117.0
7Narraway, James E. (Ottawa)00½000*½½11115.5
8Campagna (Quebec)00001½½*110105.0
9Marachal (Montreal)0000½0½0*01114.0
10Whitfield, Kenneth Hesketh (Galt)000100001*1104.0
11Moncur, Barnwell William (Montreal)0000000100*012.0
12Wilson, Stanley B. (Montreal)00000000001*12.0
13Gaudet, G. (Montreal)000000010100*2.0
Source: [Toronto] Evening Telegram, 11 September 1926

34th Canadian Championship

Toronto, 29 August - 5 September 1927123456789012345
1Fox, Maurice (Montreal)*01½111½1½1111111.5
2Morrison, John S. (Toronto)1*11111½11½001111.0
3Eastman, George (Toronto)00*½1½111½½½1119.5
4Levy (Toronto)½0½*0101111½1108.5
5Harvey, J.B. (Montreal)0001*00½1½111118.0
6Belson, Harry (Toronto)00½01*0100111117.5
7Blake, Charles W. (Toronto)000111*½0½½01117.5
8Goldhamer (Toronto)½½00½0½*11011½17.5
9Blumin, Boris (Toronto)00000110*1½11½17.0
10Dardel (Toronto)½0½0½1½00*½10116.5
11Richard (Montreal)0½½000½1½½*0½116.0
12Whitfield, Kenneth Hesketh (Galt)01½½0010001*1½½6.0
13Narraway, James E. (Ottawa)0100000001½0*114.5
14Moncur, Barnwell William (Montreal)0000000½½00½0*12.5
15Carver, Ernest Alfred (Wiarton)00010000000½00*1.5
Source: Canadian Chess Review, October 1927

35th Canadian Championship

Montreal, 26-31 August 1929123456789012
1Fox, Maurice (Montreal)*1½11111111110.5
2Eastman, George (Toronto)0*½1½11111119.0
3Belson, John Harold (Toronto)½½*½½11101118.0
4Blumin, Boris (Toronto)00½*1½0111117.0
5Richard, Louis (Montreal)0½½0*½1½1½116.5
6Wilson, Stanley Becket (Montreal)000½½*½011115.5
7Whitfield, Kenneth Hesketh (Galt)00010½*101115.5
8Narraway, James Ephraim (Ottawa)0000½10*10114.5
9Carver, Ernest Alfred (Wiarton)00100010*1104.0
10Staynes, Wilfred (Trois-Rivières)0000½0010*½13.0
11Moncur, Barnwell William (Montreal)000000000½*11.5
12Picken, W. (Hamilton)00000000100*1.0
Source: Canadian Chess Chat, September-October 1979, 306 (Gaige); La presse, 24 August 1929, 67; La patrie, 7 September 1929, 20

36th Canadian Championship

Hamilton, 18-25 July 193112345678901234
1Fox, Maurice (Montreal)*1½0110111111+10.5
2Morrison, John S. (Toronto)0*111½1111011110.5
3Eastman, George (Toronto)½0*111½½11111+10.5
4Martin, Robert E. (Toronto)100*1½11½1001+8.0
5Whitfield, Kenneth Hesketh (Galt)0000*1½½0111117.0
6Belson, Harry (Toronto)0½0½0*11½110½17.0
7Opsahl, Haakon (Temiskaming)10½0½0*11½½1017.0
8Blumin, Boris00½0½00*01111+6.0
9Helman, Abe (Winnipeg)000½1½01*010116.0
10Gale, Sydney E. (Toronto)000000½01*11115.5
11Blake, Charles W.010100½000*1115.5
12Narraway, James E. (Ottawa)00010100100*115.0
13Moncur, Barnwell William (Montreal)00000½100000*12.5
14Carver, Ernest Alfred (Wiarton)-0--000-00000*0.0
Source: [Toronto] Evening Telegram, [Toronto] Globe, Toronto Daily Star